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Business-oriented Wellness & Resilience Training

Foundational Wellness Training by MANTHAN

Our Wellness Training Courses

  • ​​Corporate Wellness Training: Level I, II

  • Corporate Wellness for Leaders: Level  I, II

  • Cultivating a Workplace Culture of Wellness

  • Building Resiliency

  • Mindful Living

  • and more



This introductory wellness course helps you and your employees achieve both personal and professional health and wellness objectives. We will train your staff on the basics of wellness and self-care, teach them scientifically-proven adaptive and resilience techniques and help them to develop and maintain wellness routines that will transform their lives.


The course starts by providing participants with an understanding of the patterns and habits that interfere with their productivity, effectiveness and happiness. This understanding paves the way for tangible change. We employ a series of techniques to support this change in a new direction which better serves not only the physical and mental health of the participants but also the building of better relationships with colleagues. 


Our customised approach takes the trainee on a journey which will inspire true change that resonates throughout their personal and professional lives.


This is a customised program that includes pre and post-course assessments, 6 modules and 48 hours of instruction, discussion, interactive group/pair-work, experiential learning, didactic sessions, demonstration, instruction and homework delivered over 6 or 12 months.


Kickoff Session (90min)

The course begins with a kickoff session to lay down the foundations for the training that follows. This session is also designed to inspire group participation and interaction


Weekly (12-month option) or Biweekly (6-month option) Sessions (60min)

These classes will take participants through a series of techniques in the wellness toolkit to help them develop self-awareness, focus, resilience, clarity and calm. Each session will build upon the previous session with a new or deeper technique. Participants will then practice and apply the technique to their daily routine as homework.


Wrap-up Session (90min)

The course concludes with an opportunity for participants to put it all together and commit to adding a series of wellness routines to their daily life.


MODULE 1: Intro to Wellness, Awareness, Being Present & Living a Life of Joy

  • The Science of Wellness: Modern Research confirms Ancient Wisdom

  • Patterns & Habits

  • Undoing Conditioned Habits: Getting to know each other and ourselves

MODULE 2: Reducing Stress & Cultivating Resilience

  • Perspective and Self-Awareness to shape how we experience stress

  • Making stress your ally

  • Simple, practical and highly effective physical and breathing techniques to help us create space and release stress

  • Meditative techniques to focus the mind and craft a healthier, stronger and more resilient brain!

MODULE 3: Cultivating Physical Stability

  • Good Posture: the Gift that keeps giving

  • How to ground yourself and ‘Be in the body’

  • Physical strength for reducing fatigue, feeling alert & and making better decisions

  • Flexibility in the body for flexibility in the mind

  • Preparing for the future: Balance

MODULE 4: Cultivating Mental Stability

  • The Monkey Mind

  • Reducing anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed

  • Dealing with Sensory Overload

→ Learning why these concepts are important is not enough. ​

→ Even experiencing the proven techniques is not enough. ​

→ Real change only comes through repetition of the right            habits, those that serve us.  Throughout this program, we          will guide participants on creating and following daily            routines and give them the tools to stick with these routines.

MODULE 5: Mindful Living for True Peace, Stability & Resilience

  • Overcoming Inertia to Cultivate Healthy Routines

  • Being present for even the most mundane of tasks

  • Now is the time


  • Online, In-person or Hybrid lectures & guided discussions

  • Technique explanation, demonstration/guidance and experiential exercises

  • Homework designed to review and reinforce the techniques


We conduct pre and post program assessments of the participants to bring to light the ways in which they have grown and changed through their commitment to the program. Assessments help individuals see what they are doing well and what they may want to focus more on in the future. These same assessments help companies to understand how employees have changed through the program.


  1. Understand the breadth of Wellness and the why of Wellness through both anecdotal information and scientifically-backed research

  2. Experience & feel the immediate benefits of wellness techniques such as correct posture, deep breathing and concentration (i.e. meditation & mindfulness)

  3. Develop the skills of Self-Observation and Self-Awareness

  4. Develop wellness practices and routines that fit into daily life and encourage long-term transformation that sticks

  5. Learn how to apply wellness training to promote employee engagement, team-building and employee development along with improved external (customer, vendor, partner) and personal relationships 

  6. Cultivate Physical and Mental Health to become more focused and productive

  7. Cultivate Resilience and Right Perspective and use these tools to become better, more empathic, more effective leaders

  8. Become a source for creating a culture of wellness in the workplace and in the world


We provide participants with a certificate of completion at the end of the program.

For more information on our programs, contact us today.

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