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Business-oriented Wellness & Resilience Training

"Just 8 weeks of meditation results in significant reduction
in the brain’s reaction to stress."
Harvard Gazette

Business-Oriented Programs

Our proposals are costed against the benefits they offer, our programs are tailored to the needs of your business, and our results are assessed and measured for your bottom line.


Focus on results


MANTHAN Wellness is about making small but significant changes to the patterns of our lives.

Consistent, incremental change can give you substantial health and wellness benefits without having to find any extra time to do them.


​Our lives are a series of patterns. MANTHAN Wellness aims to help you become aware of them, and turn them to your advantage.

Sustainable results - starting with one minute a day

MANTHAN wellness is not about short-cuts or instant benefits. For meaningful transformation, you need sustained practices.

But the science shows us that consistency is far more important than the length of any session or course.

At MANTHAN Wellness we encourage a minimum one-minute daily practice as a start.

From there, we aim to increase the time spent on practice in a natural, sustainable and enjoyable manner.


MANTHAN in Action:
How are you sitting right now?


You sit every day, often for hours at a time.

But is the way you are sitting serving you? Is it the cause of or the solution to issues like back pain?


The way you sit can transform from a problem to a solution by:

  • Becoming aware - think about how you sit. Understand how it is affecting you

  • Adopting new practice - a change in posture can engage core muscles that assist the alignment of your body

  • Normalising good health - internalising positive changes begins a positive-feedback loop of benefits


It takes no extra time. You are sitting for hours every day regardless. So make your pattern of sitting serve you.


MANTHAN Wellness targets these simple, sustainable changes to your patterns to positively impact your life without demanding hours of practice or endless willpower.

Maneesh Kalra - Founder

Proven Results

Studies have shown that corporate wellness programs incorporating yoga, mindfulness and meditation are key to:

  • Managing stress & strengthening resilience and immunity

  • Improving concentration, creativity & productivity

  • Enhancing personal and professional relationships

  • Creating happier, more resilient and more content individuals​

The Science

Amygdala MRI Harvard Gazette

Changes in the amygdala of the brain showing a better, more controlled response to stressful stimuli  have been demonstrated after just 8 weeks of meditation training. 
Source: Harvard Gazette


"The Head-Heart Connection:  Common mental health disorders are linked to a higher risk of heart attack and stroke.”

Source: Harvard Medical Health Dec. 2018

Journal of Invasive Cardiology

“During this pandemic some patients have expressed they’re dealing with stress, anxiety, insomnia, and depression. We discuss techniques to improve their mental and emotional wellness, which carries over to their cardiovascular health.” 

Source: Journal of Invasive Cardiology Jan. 2021

Sunrise at Mt. Fuji

Benefits of Yoga, Mindfulness & Meditation

For Individuals:

  1. Reduced mental stress & anxiety → linked to reduction in depression, heart disease and much more

  2. Reduced headaches, back, neck and other acute and chronic physical pain 

  3. Increased energy

  4. Better, deeper sleep

  5. Improved eating habits and weight reduction

  6. Enhanced concentration, cognitive agility & creativity

  7. Increased resilience to change & adaptability

  8. Improved Emotional Intelligence (EI) and empathy

  9. Increased job (and life!) satisfaction

  10. Enhanced Overall Wellbeing & Happiness

For Organizations:

  1. Enhanced employee morale

  2. Reduced absenteeism, turnover & sick days

  3. Reduced presenteeism

  4. Increased productivity

  5. Improved communication, collaboration & teamwork

  6. Enhanced client relationship management

  7. Better decision-making  

  8. Increased innovation

  9. Enhanced reputation - a company that cares for its employees

  10. Improved corporate culture - a strong, positive and empowered workplace

Active Engagement

Customized Solutions

Each organization is like an individual with its own specific needs. Our experienced guides will work with your team to assess needs, determine short and long term goals, and formulate the best approach to meet these goals.

Cultivate Awareness

©2024 by MANTHAN.

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