Business-oriented Wellness & Resilience Training
"Mindfulness is perfectly suited to counterbalance the digital-age challenges of information overload and constant distraction."
~ Boston Consulting Group
Corporate Wellness
Your business is unique, so we offer a range of targeted programs and bespoke offerings:
CEO and C-Suite
Leadership Team
All Staff
Services are matched to your needs and budget, and business-case supported. Offerings include:
Wellness for Team-Building & Employee Engagement
Wellness Lectures & Webinars
1/2 and full day Workshops & Activity Days
Onsite & Offsite Events
Wellness Consulting
Leadership Development
Our leadership development programmes uniquely grow the skills indispensable to the success of any organization - empathic leadership, performance undimmed by stress and anxiety, trust, openness, team building, conflict management and mindful communication - upon the fertile soil of wellness.
We offer workshops, courses and both group and individual coaching. Contents are customised and may include the following:​​​​
CEO & C-Suite
Integration & Acceleration
Holistic Leadership: Leading with Compassion, Integrity, Resilience, Dignity & Grace
Mindful Leadership for
Peak Performance
Embracing Positive Leadership: Using the Heart and the Head
Mindful Communication:
Skills you can Build
Creating Stability & Resilience in Yourself & in Your Team
How to See Others & Get the Best Out of Them
Cultivating Intrinsic Motivation
Take live online sessions from the office or the comfort of your own home
Review video recordings of missed sessions at your convenience
Customised Solutions
Each organization is like an individual with its own specific needs. Our experienced wellness consultants will work with your HR team and managers to:
Assess needs with the MANTHAN Wellness Assessment (MWA)
Determine short and long-term goals
Formulate best approach to meet these goals
Measure outcomes and efficacy of programs
Cultivate Awareness, Share Techniques & Tools, Inspire New Routines
Body Awareness
Caring for the Vessel of our Experiences
Physical stretches & poses
- Expand awareness throughout body
- Create better balance
Breath Awareness
Calm the breath, calm the mind
- Breath control practices
- Generate better, smoother breathing
- Create harmony between breath, body, & mind
Mind Awareness
Getting out of the Matrix!
- Meditation techniques
- Cultivate introspection & stillness
- Enhance Emotional Intelligence