ウェルネス & レジリエンストレーニング
"Mindfulness is perfectly suited to counterbalance the digital-age challenges of information overload and constant distraction."
~ Boston Consulting Group
Corporate Wellness
Your business is unique, so we offer a range of targeted programs and bespoke offerings:
CEO and C-Suite
Leadership Team
All Staff
Services are matched to your needs and budget, and business-case supported. Offerings include:
1/2 and full day Workshops & Activity Days
Onsite & Offsite Events
Wellness Consulting

Leadership Development
Our leadership development programmes uniquely grow the skills indispensable to the success of any organization - empathic leadership, performance undimmed by stress and anxiety, trust, openness, team building, conflict management and mindful communication - upon the fertile soil of wellness.
We offer workshops, courses and both group and individual coaching. Contents are customised and may include the following:
CEO & C-Suite
Integration & Acceleration
Holistic Leadership: Leading with Compassion, Integrity, Resilience, Dignity & Grace
Mindful Leadership for
Peak Performance
Embracing Positive Leadership: Using the Heart and the Head
Mindful Communication:
Skills you can Build
Creating Stability & Resilience in Yourself & in Your Team
How to See Others & Get the Best Out of Them
How to See Others & Get the Best Out of Them

Caring for the Vessel of our Experiences
- ストレッチやヨガポーズの実践
- 体の隅々へ意識を向ける
- バランス感覚を養う
Calm the breath, calm the mind
Getting out of the Matrix!
- 瞑想のテクニックの習得
- 静けさ、内観を育む
- 心の知能指数(EI)を高める